Energy is an eternal


 What is Reiki?

The word Reiki means `Universal Life-force Energy.`

Ki is the Japanese word for energy as Chi is the Chinese word.  As a method of healing, Reiki refers to the channelling of Ki,  through placing hands on or above the body during a healing session. Everything alive contains and radiates Ki.  It is the bio-magnetic energy of the aura. Our physical, psychological and spiritual health, all depend on the movement and conservation of Ki.

Reiki healers are attuned to the Reiki energy.  This connects them to the Reiki energy and allows them to become a channel for this healing vibration.  The process of attunement is what is unique about Reiki healing and what distinguishes it from other types of hands-on healing.

- Diane Stein



In essence everything is energy and cannot be destroyed.
— Ted Andrews
I first came to meet Caroline when I started my healing journey. I came to it as a complete skeptic. However, I immediately felt energy from my very first treatment. Caroline has such a kind, calming, caring nature and nurtured a therapeutic relationship straight away. She always explains everything and puts you at ease. I always feel relaxed and settled after Reiki and it has become an extremely important and integral part of my healing journey. I would totally recommend Caroline`s services.
— Andrea

What happens in a Reiki Healing session?

A consultation will be conducted to find out why you are attending the session and any expectations you may have.  It also provides an opportunity to explain more fully what will take place. You will be given the space to ask questions before and after the treatment.  You will remain fully clothed and asked to lie down on a massage table, firstly on your back and then (if it is comfortable and possible for you) on your front.

The Reiki energy will be channelled through the practitioner who will use particular hand positions either on or above your body.  The main chakras or energy centres will be the places over which the practitioner places her hands.  Each position will be maintained for a few minutes.

The first session will take one and a half hours to allow for the initial consultation.  Subsequent sessions will be for one hour.

What will I notice?

You may feel warmth, tingling, coolness or inner movement and sensations.  You may feel sleepy, peaceful, calm or rested.  There may be images, memories or no discernible differences.  There is no right or wrong way to feel the energy.  The experience is personal to you. Many people report that the practitioner's hands feel very warm to the touch.  This may be something you notice.

How Many Sessions Do I need?

Like everything, it is suggested that you try a few sessions to begin.  I would suggest three sessions, at weekly intervals, just to tune in to the energy and its effects.  This is entirely up to you though.  You may want to have just one session or you may want to address something particular and feel that a course of sessions, decreasing in frequency over time, is best for you.  You could begin weekly and then reduce to fortnightly and monthly.  In the end, it is your decision, your practitioner can only suggest and advise.

How will Reiki help me?

All ailments begin at an energetic level.  If energy becomes stuck or depleted, the health of the system will reflect this.  Replenishing and cleansing the energy system may result in improved functioning of all the systems of the body.  Reiki can help maintain the clarity and brightness of the energy.  The emotions and psyche are also dependent on the healthy maintenance and circulation of Ki.  The body and mind are intimately connected, rather than separate. You may find that mood, psychological balance and overall mental health are also supported. Reiki can be deeply relaxing so it could be that whatever you are working with feels more manageable due to the reduction of stress.

I would dearly like to express my thanks and appreciation for the help of experiencing Reiki with you. Having a tragedy in my life a year ago and trying counselling, which unfortunately wasn’t much help, I turned to you for help and it’s been amazing. My life has improved to the the extent that I can cope much better than I had been before. I hope to continue as I find it relaxing and helpful. I’m so glad I decided to try Reiki.
— Dawn N

My Own Background in Reiki

I trained in first degree and second degree Reiki in 1998.  I then studied Reiki III Master Practitioner Level and Master Teacher Level between 1998 and 2001.  My Reiki Master is Marissa Tapper of the Angel Reiki School, Islington, London.  Marissa came to stay with me and delivered each level of training to me during her stay.

I taught eight students to Reiki II Level and three students to Master Level before going on to undertake training for Buddhist Ordination.  This process took seven years.  During that time I taught meditation and Buddhism and supported women training for Ordination. Over this period I also taught secular Mindfulness and undertook five and a half years` training in Hakomi Body Centred Psychotherapy.  In the earlier part of this period, I also trained in various forms of massage.  

I have worked in a Cancer-care hospital in Cardiff, South Wales, providing Reiki to patients on wards.  This modality was popular with the medical staff as they witnessed the benefits to patients in terms of anxiety reduction and pain management associated with some procedures. I have offered Reiki Healing to numerous people in the local community and set up a Reiki Share context for those wanting to share Reiki on a donation basis.

I am a member of the U.K Reiki Federation

My Reiki healing session with Caroline was very positive so I chose her as my Reiki teacher for Level 1. Caroline is a great teacher. She is an experienced professional and has the ability and mastery to transfer the concepts of energy healing to a novice. I would highly recommend her to any prospective student wishing to discover and develop the art of Reiki.
— John - Joe N General Manager