‘Tell me, what is it you plan
to do with your one wild
and precious life?’

Mary Oliver

Book your free 20 min consultation now.

We’ll arrange a phone call or zoom, and there’s no obligation to commit to a future session. Please check my availability below and choose a day and time before filling out the form.

Ready to book a full session?
See below

Mind Body Therapies


60 mins
Cost £50

Aromatherapy Massage

60 mins
Cost £40

Whilst regular massage is most beneficial, stand-alone sessions can be very supportive. Initial appointments are 1.5, including consultation (£45).
Standard sessions are 60 mins but you can book a longer session if required.

Dynamic Massage

Whole body massage
1st session 90 minutes (to include full consultation)
Cost £40
Subsequent sessions 60 minutes
Cost £35

Dynamic Massage back massage
30 minutes - Cost £28

Dynamic Massage Leg massage
30 minutes - Cost £25

Indian Head Massage

1st session 90 minutes (to include full consultation)
Cost £35

Subsequent sessions 60 minutes
Cost £30

A nourishing and reviving treatment that addresses tension in the head face and neck, shoulders and arms and upper chest and back.


1st session 90 minutes (to include full consultation)
Cost £45

Subsequent session 60 minutes
Cost £40

30 Mins - Cost £20

Distance Healing
by arrangement £15

Please note:
Concessions are available after the first session if you are on a supported income.

Book your session now.

Please check my availability below before filling out the form.

My availability


Mondays - 10 am - 5.30 pm
Tuesdays -
10 am - 8 pm
Wednesdays - 10 am - 8 pm
Saturdays - 10 am - 1.30 pm

Get in touch

If you have any questions or want more information do get in touch, I’d be delighted to hear from you.


Mobile Phone Number 07508 479908


Payments are by direct transfer:

Ms C Martin
Metro Bank
Sort-Code 23-05-80
Account 42495921

Cancellation Policy

Please provide at least 24 hours notice of any cancellation.

If you cancel within 24 hours or do not attend, you will still have to pay for the session.