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 Because suffering doesn't have to last a lifetime

I work with Hakomi mindfulness-based assisted self-discovery, massage and Reiki Healing to help you break familiar unwanted patterns and plant seeds of change and growth in your life.

Hakomi Cardiff | Caroline Martin


I am certified by the Hakomi Education Network as a Hakomi Practitioner. Hakomi is one of the most effective ways of exploring our relationship with ourselves and our world. A collaborative body-based therapy. Hakomi supports bringing unhelpful, unconscious patterns and habits into consciousness. Through assisted self-study and experiments in mindfulness, their negative effects can be reduced.

Massage Cardiff | Caroline Martin


I hold a Diploma in Aromatherapy, A certificate in Indian Head Massage and a Certificate in dynamic bodywork and dynamic massage. Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage and Hands-Free Massage help you feel more grounded and embodied. Much of our stress, anxiety, tension and trauma is lodged in the body. Release at the physical level allows the system to realign and reduces the holding that contributes to pain and disease.


I trained in Reiki to Master/Teacher level between 1998 and 2001. I am a member of the U.K Reiki Federation. Reiki is a gentle method of clarifying, balancing and moving energy. Energy that is stuck can lead to stress and illness. Reiki may support a return to the balance and wholeness we associate with good health. The method is not dependent on any religious belief for its effectiveness. The practitioner channels the Universal life energy into the client`s body. This enhances the body`s natural healing ability.

Appointments for Hakomi are available face to face, online via Zoom, or by telephone.


 Could your life have more ease and feel more rewarding?

Do past experiences still negatively affect your emotions and enjoyment of life?

Do you feel trapped by habits you can't seem to stop, including `over the top` responses to events?

Do you reflect that life would be sweeter if these issues didn't impact your sleep, communication and relationships?

You held such a safe space for my experience. This allowed me to open up without pressure and in a way that I could find my own direction.  The session brought a sense of release and opened a doorway to take things forward into my own practice.  It is opening up into exploring my relationship with boundaries.
— Jo Bogacz - Yoga Teacher